About Me

My journey to opening a floral studio is a natural extension of my values in community, connection, and transformation. While I’ve spent the past 15+ years immersed in social justice work, creativity has always beckoned me in some shape or form.

Among my many side hustles (as a daughter of refugees, hustling felt very much in my element), I dabbled as an assistant to a wedding planner and a personal chef, a professional wedding and event photographer, an amateur calligrapher and watercolorist, and a freelancer to many florists throughout the Bay Area.

Over the years, I’ve worked at and attended my fair share of weddings and events from different vantage points. From small and intimate gatherings to extravagant affairs, I’ve always loved seeing how ritual and ceremony can bring together community.

—Van Nguyen

What’s in a name?

Plenty: A large or sufficient amount or quantity; more than enough.

Flora: The plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period.

Plenty says there’s enough in this world and that we have exactly what we need. Flora asks us to appreciate what is around us in every given moment and place. Taken together, Plenty Flora, seeks to cultivate a sense of fullness, possibility, and gratitude in every aspect of our work with you.

My Vision

I believe in the transformative power of nature and community. My vision is to create a world where we live in abundance and are always in awe of what is around us — appreciating what we have when we have it.

This is an invitation to expand our thinking around what is beautiful — reminding us to love nature for everything that it offers, from broken branches, to bruised petals, and radiant blooms. Dried leaves often look like gold. A carnation or daisy is just as beautiful as a peony.

Let’s celebrate the bounty and beauty of nature in all its variations and idiosyncrasies. And let’s leave room for surprises.